Auch Autisten können weinen

Ich bin 45 Jahre alt. Im Sommer 2024 wurden bei mir Asperger-Autismus und ADHS diagnostiziert. Auch wenn ich den Weg der Diagnose aus freien Stücken gewählt habe, hadere ich mit ihrem Ergebnis und damit, wie ich damit umgehe. Dafür gibt es einige Gründe. Mit diesem Beitrag will ich nicht nur mir selber Klarheit verschaffen sondern auch anderen Menschen, die möglicherweise Ähnliches durchmachen, und meinem Umfeld einen Einblick in meine Erfahrungen und meine Perspektive geben. Denn Verständnis – sowohl für sich selbst als auch von außen – ist ein wichtiger Schritt, um mit einer solchen Diagnose umgehen zu können.

Advent of Code - Day 8 - Missing Operators (Ruby)

(task | solution)

The first time I read through the riddle, I was like: “Phew, no way, I’m going to skip this!” I looked at the example and the description, and it didn’t make sense at all. But when I’m stuck like that at the very beginning, the best approach to get a grip is: Visualize! (A concept I didn’t learn from Daniel Bourke’s course about machine learning, but he perfected it!)

However, I thought it might be a good idea to use Ruby this time — my first time with this language. I won’t bother you with the environment setup. Again, I’m just using a containerized environment, which makes things so much easier.

Advent of Code - Day 7 - Missing Operators (C++)

(task | solution)

This is the kind of task I really enjoy: finding algorithms for simple mathematical challenges! Let’s go—this time in… C++! (Phew!)

You’ll find my .devcontainer and Dockerfile on GitHub. Once again, I don’t want to bloat my system with additional compiler setups. It turns out, this is working like a charm.

Advent of Code - Day 6 - Walking the map (JavaScript)

(task | solution)

This task looks tricky, so I am once again choosing a simple language that I am familiar with: JavaScript (which, by the way, was developed in just 10 days).

With no further ado…

Advent of Code - Day 5 - Printer Updates (Bash)

(task | solution)

It’s the fifth day of our outrageous adventure, and we are dealing with printer updates. To solve this riddle, we are getting back to the roots and our good ol’ friend Bash!

The good news here is that I don’t need to set up any particular environment because, thankfully, Bash is available on most systems out of the box.

Advent of Code - Day 4 - Finding patters (Excel)


I Made It to Day 4!

And today’s task perfectly fits Excel. Some—if not most—people don’t like Excel and would never consider it a serious tool for data analytics, exploration, or even “engineering.” Well, you’re wrong about Excel. It’s quite powerful if you know how to use it. Let me show you…

Advent of Code - Day 3 - Multiplications (Python)

(task | solution) As I reached the third day of my adventure, I had already learned something new that significantly improves the process: the devcontainer.json file can handle creating and running the Docker container for me. This saves the trouble of manually building and running it—essentially saving two commands on the command line, which adds up to about three seconds. Still, it’s an improvement. However, I am not going to use it.

I had initially planned to solve today’s riddle in BASIC—the first programming language I learned 30 years ago. However, it turns out that deploying a BASIC compiler into a container isn

Advent of Code - Day 2 - Increasing and decreasing (Rust)

(task | solution)

This task is about testing if integers in a list are increasing or decreasing. I’ll try Rust, and I assume I need nerves of steel for this exercise.

Advent of Code - Day 1 - Differences and Products (F#)

(task | solution)

As the challenge at AoC is not about the syntax but the algorithm, I decided to try a different approach this year: a new language every day. I am probably not going to explain the code in detail, but I will point out characteristics of each particular language that I think are worth mentioning. Let’s see how far I get. Please don’t take my judgement to serious.

Beruflicher Evolutionszyklus - das CIRA Model

Phase 1 – Kreativität

Aus Sicht des Neulings

Zu Beginn bist du voller Energie und Euphorie. Alles ist neu und spannend. Vielleicht hattest du in deinem alten Job noch Resturlaub und kannst nun mit frischem Elan starten. Neue Werkzeuge und unbekannte Herausforderungen warten auf dich. Es ist deine Chance, dich neu zu erfinden, Ordnung zu schaffen und deine bisherigen Erfahrungen gezielt einzubringen, um von Anfang an optimale Prozesse zu etablieren. Der Wechsel fordert auch deinen Geist: Du verlässt gewohnte Pfade und betrittst Neuland.