
How to build a brute force Sudoku solver

Follow my journey on how to build an algorithm that lets you create or solve Sudoku puzzles!

Follow my steps or jump ahead — this is the Jupyter notebook:

Warmup — introduction

Before we start, we need to get familiar with how Sudoku works. I suggest we number each cell in the giant grid from 1 to 81. This way, we can programmatically loop from the top-left to the bottom-right to find valid solutions:

sudoku positions

Sudoku has three rules: a number can’t exist twice in the same column, row, or section. So, first, we need a way to identify the column, row, and section for each position.

Every row contains 9 cells, so the row index is simply:

ceil(position / 9)

Or if you prefer double slash (//), which works like a “floor” function:

((position — 1) // 9) + 1

Columns probably also have something to do with 9 (because 9 is kind of a big deal in Sudoku). The first 9 cells are exactly addressing their corresponding columns, obviously. So, in the upcoming rows (positions 10 and onward), we just need to reduce it back to 1–9. We can use modulo for that!

((position — 1) % 9) + 1

The section index is a little trickier. It’s a combo of the row and column index and some tweaks. There’s probably a clever mathematical approach, or you can just trial-and-error your way through (my usual strategy). Here’s a starting point:

sudoku columns and rows

We take the floor of a third of each position now. It seems like we could just sum them to get the fitting section index, with a little adjustment. Here’s the magic:

sudouku from cols and rows to sections

And that’s the formula to get the section index:

(col // 3) + (((row // 3) — 1) * 3)

First steps

Well, now that we know how to address each row, column, and section, let’s dive into the actual algorithm.

Solution approach

The basic idea is to iterate through the positions up to 81. At every step, we choose a number from 1 to 9 and check if it already exists in the corresponding row, column, or section (we’ll call these “containers”). If it does, the number is “blocked” for the current position, and we have to check the next number. If we can’t find a valid number for the current position, we need to roll back to the previous one and choose a different number. We repeat this process until we either reach position 81 — meaning we’ve found a valid Sudoku — or have to backtrack more.

Implementation in Python

We start by initializing four dictionaries to keep track of the numbers in each container. The solutions dictionary holds (surprise!) the valid numbers for the entire grid.

def reset_containers():  
    global rows, cols, sections, solutions  
    rows = {i: [] for i in range(1, 10)}  
    cols = {i: [] for i in range(1, 10)}  
    sections = {i: [] for i in range(1, 10)}  
    solutions = {}  


print(sections, '\n', rows, '\n', cols)


{1: [], 2: [], 3: [], 4: [], 5: [], 6: [], 7: [], 8: [], 9: []}   
{1: [], 2: [], 3: [], 4: [], 5: [], 6: [], 7: [], 8: [], 9: []}   
{1: [], 2: [], 3: [], 4: [], 5: [], 6: [], 7: [], 8: [], 9: []}

The visualize function takes the solution dictionary and returns a nice grid, displaying the numbers — you’ll find it in the notebook I referenced at the top!

def visualize(solution):  
    # see Jupyter notebook referenced on the top

We’ve already figured out how to get the actual row, column, or section from a given position. Now, let’s translate those Excel formulas into Python and check if we’re on the right track:

print('pos', '\t', 'row', '\t', 'col', '\t', 'section')  
for position in range(1, 82):  
    idx_row = math.ceil(position / 9)  
    idx_col = ((position - 1) % 9) + 1  
    idx_section = math.ceil(idx_col/3) + ((math.ceil(idx_row/3) - 1) * 3)  
    print(position, '\t', idx_row, '\t', idx_col, '\t', idx_section)


pos   row   col   section  
1   1   1   1  
2   1   2   1  
3   1   3   1  
4   1   4   2  
5   1   5   2  
6   1   6   2  
7   1   7   3  
8   1   8   3  
9   1   9   3  
10   2   1   1  

Yes, we are! Every position is correctly mapped to the correct container!

Solution checking and iterating

The first version is quite simple: We iterate through the positions and add a number that does not exist in one of the corresponding containers.


number = 1  

for position in range(1, 82):  
    idx_row = math.ceil(position / 9)  
    idx_col = ((position - 1) % 9) + 1  
    idx_section = math.ceil(idx_col/3) + ((math.ceil(idx_row/3) - 1) * 3)  
    if (number not in rows[idx_row] and number not in cols[idx_col] and number not in sections[idx_section]):  
        solutions[position] = number  
        number += 1  


Seems like our basic loop is working fine. Let’s add some fine-tuning and limit it to the numbers from 1 to 9. We can just introduce an inner loop to keep things simple:


suduko first attempt

Seems like our basic loop is working fine. Let’s add some fine-tuning and limit it to the numbers from 1 to 9. We can just introduce an inner loop to keep things simple:


number = 1  

for position in range(1, 82):  
    idx_row = math.ceil(position / 9)  
    idx_col = ((position - 1) % 9) + 1  
    idx_section = math.ceil(idx_col/3) + ((math.ceil(idx_row/3) - 1) * 3)  
    for number in range(1, 10):  
        if (number not in rows[idx_row] and number not in cols[idx_col] and number not in sections[idx_section]):  
            solutions[position] = number  



sudoku second attempt

There are a lot of empty spots in the grid, what are we missing? Let’s introduce a conditional that stops when there’s no solution:


number = 1  

for position in range(1, 82):  
    idx_row = math.ceil(position / 9)  
    idx_col = ((position - 1) % 9) + 1  
    idx_section = math.ceil(idx_col/3) + ((math.ceil(idx_row/3) - 1) * 3)  
    for number in range(1, 10):  
        if (number not in rows[idx_row] and number not in cols[idx_col] and number not in sections[idx_section]):  
            solutions[position] = number  

    if not position in solutions:  



sudoku third attempt

Quite good, but just stopping the loop when we hit a dead end probably won’t get us to a solution. We need to keep track of dead ends, and we need the ability to go back, choose another path, and try again. Let’s start with a container that holds “impossible” paths for each of our 81 positions.

We’ll also switch from a limited for-loop to an “infinite” while-loop because now we’re not just incrementing from 1 to 81 — we’ll be going back and forth. Of course, it’s always a good idea to use a stop condition, like max_iterations, so we don’t accidentally run into an actual endless loop when using while.

Let’s put all of that into a new “big” init function!

def reset_containers():  
    global rows, cols, sections, solutions, dead_ends  
    rows = {i: [] for i in range(1, 10)}  
    cols = {i: [] for i in range(1, 10)}  
    sections = {i: [] for i in range(1, 10)}  
    solutions = {}  
    dead_ends = {i: [] for i in range(1, 82)}

Now, if the current iteration doesn’t result in a solution, we don’t just stop processing. We go back one step:

position -= 1

And we archive the solution from the previous position as a “dead end solution”:


Then we have to update our containers, as the solution is no longer valid:

    del solutions[position]

Let’s see how this performs!


print('iter', '\t', 'pos', '\t', 'row', '\t', 'col', '\t', 'section', '\t\t', 'number')  

iteration = 1  
position = 1  
max_iterations = 10_000  
stop = False  

while True:  
    idx_row = math.ceil(position / 9)  
    idx_col = ((position - 1) % 9) + 1  
    idx_section = math.ceil(idx_col/3) + ((math.ceil(idx_row/3) - 1) * 3)  
    for number in range(1, 10):  
        print(iteration, '\t', position, '\t', idx_row, '\t', idx_col, '\t', idx_section, '\t\t', number)  

        iteration += 1  
        if (iteration > max_iterations): stop = True; break  

        if (number not in rows[idx_row] and \  
            number not in cols[idx_col] and \  
            number not in sections[idx_section] and \  
            number not in dead_ends[position]):  
            solutions[position] = number  

    if stop: break  

    if not position in solutions:  

        position -= 1  
        if (position <= 0): stop = True; break  


        print(f'rolling back {solutions[position]}')  

        idx_row = math.ceil(position / 9)  
        idx_col = ((position - 1) % 9) + 1  
        idx_section = math.ceil(idx_col/3) + ((math.ceil(idx_row/3) - 1) * 3)  

        del solutions[position]  

        # print(dead_ends)  
        # sys.exit()  

        position += 1  

    if (position > 81): break  

print(f'Done after {iteration - 1:,.0f} iterations.')  



sudoku fail

An empty grid? Why for flux sake? Well, our housekeeping is incomplete — we didn’t properly clean up the dead end container:

dead_ends[position] = []

Let’s take this chance to adjust our container reset function. It will now reset all containers or just the ones for a given position only:

def reset_containers(position = None):  
    global rows, cols, sections, solutions, dead_ends  

    if position is None:  
        rows = {i: [] for i in range(1, 10)}  
        cols = {i: [] for i in range(1, 10)}  
        sections = {i: [] for i in range(1, 10)}  
        solutions = {}  
        dead_ends = {i: [] for i in range(1, 82)}  
        idx_row = math.ceil(position / 9)  
        idx_col = ((position - 1) % 9) + 1  
        idx_section = math.ceil(idx_col/3) + ((math.ceil(idx_row/3) - 1) * 3)  

        del solutions[position]

And now the main loop:

def solve_game(max_iterations = 10_000):  

    global rows, cols, sections, solutions, dead_ends  

    iteration = 1  
    position = 1  
    stop = False  

    # print('iter', '\t', 'pos', '\t', 'row', '\t', 'col', '\t', 'section', '\t\t', 'number')  

    while True:  
        idx_row = math.ceil(position / 9)  
        idx_col = ((position - 1) % 9) + 1  
        idx_section = math.ceil(idx_col/3) + ((math.ceil(idx_row/3) - 1) * 3)  
        for number in range(1, 10):  
            # print(iteration, '\t', position, '\t', idx_row, '\t', idx_col, '\t', idx_section, '\t\t', number)  

            iteration += 1  
            if (iteration > max_iterations): stop = True; break  

            if (number not in rows[idx_row] and \  
                number not in cols[idx_col] and \  
                number not in sections[idx_section] and \  
                number not in dead_ends[position]):  
                solutions[position] = number  

        if stop: break  

        if not position in solutions:  

            dead_ends[position] = [] # if there were any dead ends on this position, remove them now, because we roll back  

            position -= 1  
            if (position <= 0): break  

            reset_containers(position) # and clean up containers for the previous position  

            position += 1  

        if (position > 81): break  

    print(f'Done after {iteration - 1:,.0f} iterations.')  




sudoku finally solved

Wohaa! Looks like our little loop is already producing a valid result. But how does it perform when we add some numbers to the solution?

To work with a pre-filled grid, we need to implement another container — let’s call it target. We’ll add a simple check: If the target contains the current position, we’ll treat it as a constant. Copy it over to the other containers and skip to the next position:

if position in target:   
        number = grid[position]  
        position += 1  

We also need to adapt the part where we move back one step when no solution can be found. If we move back from a regular position to a pre-filled one, we should instantly jump back to the last regular position. Otherwise, we’d get stuck in a loop. So, let’s declare last_regular_position, which points to the last regular cell before a pre-filled one, and handle the backtracking that way.

This should help avoid unnecessary loops and keep things running smoothly.

Our loop is growing:

def solve_game(debug = False, max_iterations = 10_000, target = {}):  

    global rows, cols, sections, solutions, dead_ends  


    iteration = 1  
    position = 1  
    stop = False  
    start_of_occupied_area = 82  

    if debug: print('iter', '\t', 'pos', '\t', 'row', '\t', 'col', '\t', 'section', '\t\t', 'number')  

    # mandatroy: register all target position with our containers  
    for target_position in target:  
        idx_row = math.ceil(target_position / 9)  
        idx_col = ((target_position - 1) % 9) + 1  
        idx_section = math.ceil(idx_col/3) + ((math.ceil(idx_row/3) - 1) * 3)  
    while True:  
        idx_row = math.ceil(position / 9)  
        idx_col = ((position - 1) % 9) + 1  
        idx_section = math.ceil(idx_col/3) + ((math.ceil(idx_row/3) - 1) * 3)  

        if (position in target):   
            number = target[position]  
            solutions[position] = number  

            if position < start_of_occupied_area: start_of_occupied_area = position  

            position +=1  

        start_at = 1  
        if len(dead_ends[position]) > 0:  
            start_at = max(dead_ends[position]) + 1  

        for number in range(start_at, 10):  
            if debug: print(iteration, '\t', position, '\t', idx_row, '\t', idx_col, '\t', idx_section, '\t\t', number)  

            iteration += 1  
            if (iteration > max_iterations): stop = True; break  

            if (number not in rows[idx_row] and \  
                number not in cols[idx_col] and \  
                number not in sections[idx_section] and \  
                number not in dead_ends[position]):  
                solutions[position] = number  


        if stop: break  

        if not position in solutions:  
            dead_ends[position] = []  
            if (position - 1) in target:  

                position = start_of_occupied_area - 1  

                position -= 1  



            position += 1  

        if (position > 81): break  

    print(f'Done after {iteration - 1:,.0f} iterations.')  

solve_game(debug = False, max_iterations = 5_000, target = {16: 2})  



sudoku finally working

Farn-tastic! But don’t get too hyped, we’re not there yet. What about different solutions, variations? When we reach the last cell at position 81, in row 9 and column 9, we find exactly one solution for each previous cell. But how do we check for other options? To understand our next approach, imagine the solution as a huge 81-digit number, with all possible solutions branching out like a massive tree. The leftmost branch is the smallest number, and we’re going to find “higher” numbers, which are also valid solutions.

Let’s start with a simple idea: What if, as soon as we reach the end of the grid, we:

  • Go back to the first item
  • Store all numbers from the current solution to ignore them in the next iteration
  • Switch to a new, empty solutions container
  • And start over from the first position?

Well, I’ll spare us the effort of implementing it and instead ask you to think it over for yourself. You’ve got 5 milliseconds until the next paragraph starts…

Ka-ching! (Do you remember Lockerz from 2009? Why did I invest my time into that scam instead of Bitcoin? Whatever…)

It wouldn’t work! The first cell accepts 1 to 9 as possible options — our main branches of a tree. At the second level, which is the second cell, again we have 1 to 9 as possible values. Solution 1 already gave us this path:

1 - 2 - ...

But if we ruled out the 1 when iterating through the second solution, we’d also rule out another possible path:

1 - 3 - ...

So, instead of resetting to the first cell, the top of the tree, we just move back to the last cell — or the last node in the path or branch, however you want to call it. Right now, it looks like this:

... - 6 - 4 - 2

Think of the solution as a big number:


From the previous run, we know that the following paths (or numbers) aren’t possible:

...642 - ka-ching!

Because, for some reason, the loop always took us back until we eventually hit the 4 and the 2. Now, what happens if we search for the next solution by going back to 81 again, but this time adding the 2 to our list of “dead ends”? The loop will run as it has before:

...643 - not possible, step back  
...65 - not possible, step back  
...7 - not possible, step back

It will keep doing that until — spoiler alert — it reaches position 66 (row 8, col 3):


And it will try again, testing all possible numbers until it eventually hits:


Which is the start of a new possible solution!

Sounds about right, doesn’t it?

Let’s implement it! First, a small adjustment to our init methods and our solutions container, which now holds multiple solutions:


Of course, we also need to adjust the function’s signature and how we reset our solution container. The way we address positions in the solution deck changes, too. It’s a list now, which makes it easier to slice the first n items of it (honestly, I don’t know why we didn’t do that from the beginning — it’s not really harder to handle. Guess that’s what they call “learning by doing” ;) ).

def reset_containers(solution_index, position = None):  
    global rows, cols, sections, solutions, dead_ends, burned_numbers  

    if position is None and solution_index == 1:  
        rows = {i: [] for i in range(1, 10)}  
        cols = {i: [] for i in range(1, 10)}  
        sections = {i: [] for i in range(1, 10)}  
        solutions[solution_index] = {}  
        dead_ends = {i: [] for i in range(1, 82)}  
        idx_row = math.ceil(position / 9)  
        idx_col = ((position - 1) % 9) + 1  
        idx_section = math.ceil(idx_col/3) + ((math.ceil(idx_row/3) - 1) * 3)  

        if position in solutions[solution_index]:  
            number = solutions[solution_index][position]  
            del solutions[solution_index][position]  
        elif position in burned_numbers:  
            number = burned_numbers[position]  

Our solution method changes a little. Instead of stopping the loop when position > 81, we add the current solution to our “dead end” container and then go back to position 81.

def solve_game(debug = False, max_iterations = 10_000, target = {}):  

    global rows, cols, sections, solutions, dead_ends, burned_numbers  

    solution_index = 1  
    solutions = {solution_index: {}}  

    report_success = False  

    iteration = 1  
    position = 1  
    stop = False  
    burned_numbers = {} # keeps the previous solution  

    start_of_occupied_area = 82  

    if debug: print('solution', '\t', 'iter', '\t', 'pos', '\t', 'row', '\t', 'col', '\t', 'section', '\t\t', 'number')  

    for target_position in target:  
        idx_row = math.ceil(target_position / 9)  
        idx_col = ((target_position - 1) % 9) + 1  
        idx_section = math.ceil(idx_col/3) + ((math.ceil(idx_row/3) - 1) * 3)  
    while True:  

        if position <= 81:  

            idx_row = math.ceil(position / 9)  
            idx_col = ((position - 1) % 9) + 1  
            idx_section = math.ceil(idx_col/3) + ((math.ceil(idx_row/3) - 1) * 3)  

            if (position in target):   
                solutions[solution_index][position] = target[position]  

                if position > 1 and position < start_of_occupied_area: start_of_occupied_area = position  

                position +=1;   

            # if the current position has a burned number from the previous solution  
            # we can take this + 1 as the next starting point  
            # this should only happens once for each run when move backwards  
            start_at = 1  
            if position in burned_numbers:  
                last_found_number = burned_numbers[position]  
                start_at = last_found_number + 1  
                # note how we clean or contains only, not the actual burned_numbers record  
                # because if this iteration is not succesful, we need a reference!  
                del burned_numbers[position]  

            elif len(dead_ends[position]) > 0:  
                start_at = max(dead_ends[position]) + 1  

            for number in range(start_at, 10):  
                if debug: print(solution_index, '\t\t', iteration, '\t', position, '\t', idx_row, '\t', idx_col, '\t', idx_section, '\t\t', number)  

                iteration += 1  
                if iteration % (max_iterations // 10) == 0: report_success = True  
                if (iteration > max_iterations): stop = True; break  

                if (number not in rows[idx_row] and \  
                    number not in cols[idx_col] and \  
                    number not in sections[idx_section] and \  
                    number not in dead_ends[position]):  

                    solutions[solution_index][position] = number  

            if stop: break  
            if not position in solutions[solution_index]:  
                dead_ends[position] = []  

                # this is also very important: when we are at this point  
                # we couldn't find a solution for the current position  
                # so we step back to the next "free" cell  
                # that is not blocked by a "target"  

                if (position - 1) in target:  

                    position = start_of_occupied_area - 1  

                    position -= 1  

                # and then we clear the containers for this position, to have a fresh start  
                reset_containers(solution_index, position)  


                position += 1  


            idx_row = math.ceil((position - 1) / 9)  
            idx_col = ((position - 2) % 9) + 1  
            idx_section = math.ceil(idx_col/3) + ((math.ceil(idx_row/3) - 1) * 3)  

            # we found a complete solution, now record the numbers as "burned" for the next run  
            # for the next solution  
            if report_success == True: print(f'{solution_index} solutions completed after {iteration - 1:,.0f} iterations.'); report_success = False  

            # take over previous solutions as "burned numbers"  
            dead_ends = {i: [] for i in range(1, 82)}  

            # and also some house keeping, as   
            # we crawl back when trying additional solutions  
            # we only fill the part of the tree  
            # that actually changes, that's why we need to take over  
            # everything that did not change:  
            if solution_index >= 2:  
                solutions[solution_index] = {pos: solutions[solution_index][pos] if pos in solutions[solution_index] else solutions[solution_index - 1].get(pos) for pos in solutions[solution_index - 1]}  
            burned_numbers = solutions[solution_index].copy()  

            # it took me some time to find that out:   
            # basically we are telling the script to rewind   
            # as we do when we don't find a solution  
            # so we also need to remove the current number from our  
            # containers  
            number = solutions[solution_index][81]  

            position = 81  
            solution_index += 1  
            solutions[solution_index] = {}  

    print(f'Done after {iteration - 1:,.0f} iterationsm found at least {solution_index - 1} solutions')  

solve_game(debug=False, max_iterations=1_000_000, target = {80: 7})  

visualize(solutions[len(solutions) - 1])

And that’s our achievment:

sudoku multiple solutions

Our brute-force Sudoku solving algorithm is ready! Well, I bet there are a couple of steps to optimize — not only code-style-wise, but also to make it run faster. I’d say that’s your homework. There are 6,670,903,752,021,072,936,960 possible paths (that’s 6 sextillion and a bit more). Can you catch them all? How long does it take on your machine to get 1 million solutions?

Just one more thing… I asked ChatGPT to build a small function that checks if all solutions are valid. Wait, what? ChatGPT? Why haven’t we asked it earlier?

Because developing algorithms is fun?

You got it! Whatever, here we go:

def check_sudoku(solutions):  

    print('All good!')

Just kidding — you’ll find the actual implementation in the notebook. Before I send you off into your well-deserved time off, let’s quickly go over some visualizations. I “discovered” 295,295 solutions (took me 100 million iterations and roughly 45 seconds), and this is how they look like in an image:

sudoku solutions visualized

Finding 300,000 solutions out of 6 sextillion possibilities is like picking a single grain of sand from all the sand on Earth.

For the following visualization, I calculated the difference between each solution — remember, they’re all essentially enormous numbers!

sudoku solutions difference

There are some interesting points to observe. On the symlog scale of outliers, you can clearly see bands of numbers. There’s also one outlier way out of the region, meaning that from solution 149,652 to 149,653, the loop has to revert to a very high position in our “solution tree.”

Can you find any more salient features? Let me know!